Failed call attempt to rural area
Report Form

(please report every problem you experience)

Person making the report

Your name (optional)

Number making the call

  this is a cell phone


Unknown, phone rang, no one was there

Long Distance carrier of originating call

you can dial 1-700-555-4141 (toll free) to get this very essential information

Date and Time of call attempt

   mm/dd/yyyy  hh:mm

Destination Information

The number called

Results of the call attempt

Please indicate your experience check all that apply
Call Dropped
No Ring Back (nothing happens)
Post Dial Delay (nothing, then ring back starts)
Ring No Answer (your friend said it never rang there)
Fast Busy

Got Recording (please put text below)
Call answered after long time
         (friend says just rang a few times)
One Way or Poor Audio Quality (echoing etc.)

Please share any other information (including text of message received and trailer code, if available) that may be helpful

write any other information that you have

Thank You,
with your help we will get this problem solved!

 When you click Send, your email client will come up with the data you entered here. Please click the send button to share with us. Thank you!!